Policies on labor and corporate ethics

Chiefcon Electronics Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming a good social responsibility, care for employees, sustainable business. The company adopts the Electronic Industry CODE of Conduct (RBA CODE) as the corporate social responsibility policy to ensure the safety of the working environment, the protection and respect of employees' rights and interests, the implementation of pollution prevention process and products, and the fulfillment of social responsibility, continuous improvement.

We promise:

Compliance with regulatory requirements

Comply with local government related labor, environmental, safety and health regulations.

Ensuring freedom of employment

Ensure that all work is voluntary and employees are not employed under coercive or coercive conditions.

Protecting human rights

Do not use child labor, do not use corporal punishment, abuse, forced treatment of employees; To implement the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the Conventions of the International Labour Organization, and to provide for the protection of human rights without differential treatment or discrimination on the basis of race class, language, ideology, religion, party affiliation, place of origin, sex, marriage, appearance, facial features, physical and mental disabilities or former trade union membership.

Provide reasonable salary and benefits

Strictly comply with local government wage laws and regulations, and make the company's management transparent and clear to employees.

Environmental protection

Committed to promoting ISO 14001 system and product environmental design. To contribute to the international norms and advocacy of the earth's environmental protection.

Communication mechanism

Establish internal and external communication channels. Internally encourage communication and direct participation between employees and management; Communicate and display company policy through company website and bulletin.

Code of ethics

The company adopts the highest ethical standard of integrity in business conduct and employee work ethics. Any form of bribery, embezzlement, deception and other improper activities shall be prohibited。

No conflict metals (minerals) commitment

In order to protect the human rights, health, and environmental resources of employees in the material production area. We promise that the cobalt (Co), gold (Au), palladium (Pd), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn) and tungsten (W) used in the products and production processes delivered to customers will be supplied as raw materials. The merchant does not directly or indirectly purchase from illegal mines in the conflict zone (Note). At the same time, this issue is communicated to all suppliers to follow.
